Saturday, March 24, 2007

A Young Man Of Destiny

As the world turns it also waits for a certain aspect of history to repeat itself, except this time around the color schemes are changed for historic posterity. If the Lord is truly willing, a little over a month from now history will have served yet another purposeful venture for an achievement worth discussing long after the fact. A Black man, the youngest to have flown around the world will be feted. There have been other notable people to have done this, and being among the likes of Charles Lindbergh, Amelia Earhart, Wiley Post, and most recently Steve Fossett -- notoriety will not be lost. You will be hearing about his accomplishment and marvel at the fact that it was done with little fanfare outside of normal circles. He will fly 25,600 miles while we wait in anticipation. His name? Barrington Irving. 23 years young, and determined with inspired vigor to complete a dream. For additional information, refer to my feature on him by turning your attention to the section 'LINKS TO ME'...go down to the the last entity and click onto Yahoo! 360.

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