Saturday, November 8, 2008

It's A Done Deal - By Divine Order!

Let me share this with you, but you will need your bibles to fully fathom the gist of this essay. I imagine our ancestors are doing a jig watching what has unfolded in this past presidential election. They rejoice knowing that the day has finally come where there's a chance for change, and that a Black man is orchestrating it! I volunteered my services and campaigned for a man that stood head and shoulders above his opponents. Remarkably, he defied biased agendas and didn't allow race to color his canvas. I watched all of the debates, looked on with chagrin hearing people voice sentiments of not wanting to vote for him because of his color, or looking on in dismay as they attached his religious affiliation. I even watched with a heavy heart as they found conceivable ways to besmirch his character.

I honestly feel that God had a lot to say about the state of affairs that made up this remarkable happening.  I hasten to say that it had already been ordained biblically, and the spirituality of it should not be ignored. The Divine order depicting that "the last shall be first and the first shall be last" in my opinion is relative to us as a people of destiny finally being favored to improve our lot, and Barack is the standard bearer and icon for it at this point. Of course, we the people are not exempt from doing our part. As such, we should adamantly and unapologetically take advantage of the significance of what has been achieved.  Needless to say, Obama will need help, and what a magnificent time to step up to the plate. Moreover, I will paraphrase a bit of that biblical content thereof to illustrate my point in two scriptures that God identifies and implicates His visionary.

Go if you will to the book of Hebrews 11:32-34 as it hails (Barak) a man of faith: "Barak, who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength and who became powerful in battle routing foreign nations".  Reading through the lines and interpreting from a broader perspective, one could easily assess this to our present situation with what has transpired with Obama.

But wait!  Now go to Judges 4:6 - God through Deborah commands Barak to "Go lead the way"...isn't this what he is doing present-day? Better yet, the aforementioned passages in Hebrews gives us an insightful view of the type of man Barack Obama seems to be, as God has plans for such a man. This too me is AWESOME, and self-explanatory!  There's no way in the world to not convince me that this man wont be successful. His disposition and penchant for orderliness amid the earmarks of a born leader is evident. And he's smart! If indeed you think as I do you'd know that this is our time. It's a chance to purpose in your hearts what needs to be done individually and collectively to insure success. The threshold has been crossed. We must do our part to ensure that this is a total effort where all of us can band together as one -- both nations Black and white fulfilling what God has already revealed. Only then will the audacity for hope, and the fulcrums of change can manifest destiny. It's a done deal in this case because the time is NOW!

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