Thursday, July 5, 2007

Independence For What, and Freedom For Whom?

Here we are in a world filled with ups and downs, uncharted emotions abound with no whim and fancy for the much-maligned Third World. Independence Day was yesterday, and here I am one day removed on July 5th 2007 pondering the thought if others feel as I do -- chagrined and challenged. With bombs bursting in the air and star spangled banners waving eloquently and equivocally, twenty four hours have passed and I wonder if anyone has thought how free we really are. Modern day slavery is being waged unmercifully without regard to righteous intent and impunity is impartial to justice. Darfur and the Sudan are screaming in our ears for intervention and we ignore the children being forced into all kinds of atrocities. You’d think that people of color would learn the advantages of collective cohesiveness to rise above the social injustices that has held us bondage after more than 400 years of subservience. Are we really free, and independent of what?

Have you ever read the Declaration of Independence? Part of which reads: “…It’s evident that all men are created equal.” They were hardly speaking of us, and we embrace this holiday like we were married to it. It sickens me to see grown men in our streets shooting up firecrackers, sparkles, and other fireworks for misplaced celebratory practices without regard for looking at the bigger picture. The money, mind you, could be spent on more viable things of worth in lieu of some frivolous day that is meaningless when the celebrants are not cognizant of tangible circumstances for valued venues. The sobering thought of just how much we take for granted here in the States is mind-boggling when other parts of the world struggle to even survive on a daily basis. What does Independence Day mean to me?

It means nothing to me when I’m not able to look far beyond my immediate peripheral vision and realize that something is amiss. I don’t do fireworks, don’t barbeque, gave up pork years ago, and glad that Amerikka has given up a day of work less 364 other days with reminding you that you are not totally free. Moreover, you’re certainly not free when you’re still punching someone else’s time clock and not working for yourself. What price freedom? Everything, when living in a country that doesn’t see you as an equal and racism is institutionally entrenched. Think about this intrinsically, and stop following the bandwagon! Don’t sell me a bill of goods and pretend that we’re not responsible to help those that are not fortunate enough to have a spoon, no less a silver one. Give it to me real…simple, straight with no chaser, and realize that you ARE your brother’s keeper. Think about those that are not truly liberated, and free yourself!

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